Wednesday, September 29, 2010


In the article, “One Proud Uncle” by Admin, the author’s nephew, Mathew, sends him an email talking about how his governor decided the amount of money he gives to schools will be based on standardized tests scores. First, this matters to me because I will soon have to take a lot of standardized tests. I agree with the author's nephew that good standardized test scores will not automatically help me get a good job in the future.  Second, this is important to education because if  schools will only get money for high scores, schools that have a large amount of students that fail on the test will get less money. Less money will mean budget cuts, less teachers and less programs for kids.  Third, our countries abililty to compete in the world may be effected due to less money going to education.  In conclusion, I found the article interesting and that it made a good point about how standardized test scores don't automatically lead to a good job and that some schools may get less money due to low scores. 

1 comment:

  1. Louis-

    this entry needs serious proofreading. Your topic sentence is unclear and is a run-on sentence. Also, you need to find the author of the article. Please redo.
