Tuesday, September 14, 2010



             The article, "Dang! I Just Missed It" by David Warlick is important to myself, education, and the world because it discusses how unreliable the Internet is. It is important to me because I use the Internet for both entertainment and education, and that I as easily could have believed the hoax as anyone else. This is important to education because of how many students use the Internet as their main source of information, and it is frighening how unreliable the Internet is.  Also this relates to world because most of the world revolves around the Internet and technology.  How long will it be until there are millions of hoaxes going around affecting the entire world?  In conclusion, David Warlick’s discovery of how unreliable the Internet is important.


  1. Louis,

    when you begin your response, use a clear topic sentence that identifies the title, author, and what matters and why it matters. Good job connecting your response to you, to education, and to the world.

  2. Another good start Louis. The only thing you are missing is to summarize the article before you connect it.
